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Association of Community Ophthalmologists of India


Organising CME, Survey, Conference and Training Programme.
Chairman : Prof. Debdas Mukherjee,
(President, ACOIN)
Agenda :
1. Review of ACOIN Activities during 2017
2. Plan of Activities in 2018
3. Organization of Ninth Annual Conference of ACOIN under the leadership of Prof Debdas Mukherjee,
4. Selection of the Names of the ACOIN Awardee for the year 2017-2018
5. Financial Aspect
6. Future of ACOIN.
Note : Everybody is requested to send the Nominations for ACOIN Awardees ( must be accompanied by their Photo, Designation with present address and Short CV in Essay Type within 150- 200 words along with a couple of lines of COMMENTS ON GROUNDS FOR RECOMMENDATIONS)
and proposals for discussion in the Meeting immediately over Email as ATTACHMENT so that we can download and put up in the Meeting.
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