Association of Community Ophthalmologists of India


Organising CME, Survey, Conference and Training Programme.
Constitution of ACOIN
The name of the Society shall be INDIAN ASSOCIATION OF COMMUNITY OPHTHALMOLOGY. The term “Organisation” herein after used in the constitution shall imply the Indian Association of Community Ophthalmology.
The Organisation shall be governed by this constitution and its bye-laws.
The registered office of the Organisation will be located at a place or address of the Honorary Secretary.
The objective of the Organisation shall be the cultivation & promotion of the study and practice of ophthalmic sciences, research and man power development in Indian Sub Continent with a view to render services to the community and to promote social contacts among ophthalmologists by:
Organizing conferences, symposia, seminars workshops refresher courses, etc., for promotion and mutual exchange of knowledge.
Promoting clinical experimental, community and operational research in ophthalmology.
Instituting awards, orations, prizes, fellowships, studentships, and research grants.
Promoting, teaching, training & continuing education in ophthalmology by establishing & maintaining reference library, publishing journals and proceedings of the Group and other such materials.
Organizing exhibitions of machinery, implements, tools, appliances, etc., pertaining to ophthalmology with a view to encourage and improve the manufacture of such instruments and appliances in India; and also to promote and advice quality control in the manufacture of the aforesaid instruments and appliances.
Co-operating with other medical societies/associations.
Promotion of social contacts and creation of goodwill amongst the ophthalmologists and non ophthalmologist members of medical fraternity.
Ensuring ethical practice and professional conduct of its members as laid down by the society from time to time.
Advising on legislation affecting ophthalmic practices and sciences of ophthalmology.
Maintaining liaison with the central government, state government and various appropriate bodies regarding matters concerning teaching and practice of ophthalmology and rationalization of ophthalmic fitness and standard of various jobs
Raising fund through subscriptions, contributions donations, from members and non members and creating special funds to run the activities of the Group.
Develop academic and scientific research fund & funds for the sponsor ship of the members.
Acquiring and disposing , movable and immovable property and assets by purchasing, constructing, altering, maintaining, selling or mortgaging properties that may be necessary for aforesaid objectives.
Framing bye laws, rules and regulations and to amend add, alter or delete the same as and when necessary.
Undertake health education to prevent visual impairment and control blindness.
Doing all such other things as may be incidental to or conducive to the attainment of the aims and objectives of the Organisation.
All Membership will be Life Membership. The membership of the society shall consist of:
1. Regular Members
(i) All members of Indian Alumni Group of ICEH, London irrespective of categories so far enrolled up to 31st. January, 2009.
(ii) Indian Medical practitioners holding allopathic qualifications under Schedule I and III of Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 and engaged in Community Eye Health Care Service.
2. Honorary Members
All past Awardees of Indian Alumni Group of ICEH, London and any person who has rendered outstanding services to Ophthalmology in general and Indian Community Ophthalmology in particular shall be eligible to this membership provided his name is recommended and passed at both the meetings of the Managing Committee and the General Body. Honorary Members will be entitled to participate in all the activities of the Organisation, but shall not be entitled to vote at a meeting of the Organisation, or hold position of office or apply for an award.
3. Associate Members
(i) Overseas Members will be those persons who fulfill the criteria in clause above and are not residents of India.
(ii) All Indian Ophthalmic Assistants and Eye Health Care Managerial persons attached with any WHO Collaborating Centre for Prevention of Blindness Programme or any Government or NonGovernmental Eye Health Care Unit which is duly approved by Government of India. After completion of 5 years of membership they may be promoted to be Honorary Members if they can attain credit points as to be fixed by the General Body.
All of these Honorary & Associate members will be entitled to participate in all activities of the Organisation, but will not be entitled to vote at a meeting of the Organisation or hold position of office nor apply for an award except those entitlements which are specifically provided in the bye laws.
The annual subscription for the regular members, co-opted members, overseas members and associate members will be as stipulated in the bye laws from time to time.
For all categories of Membership it is fixed as Rs. 4500.00 (INR) (Rupees four thousand five hundred thousand only) for the Indians as well as the members from South Asian Countries and US 200 (Two hundred US Dollar only) for others as life membership.
All regular members shall be entitled to participate in all the activities of the group including the right to vote and shall also be entitled to receive publications of the Organisation as provided to the society.
New-Members– The application for membership duly proposed and seconded by the members of the Organisation shall be recommended by the managing committee and ratified by the general body for admission to the society.
Any new member whose application is under consideration is entitled to attend and take part in the deliberations of the conference of the Organisation if it is held prior to his membership being approved by the general body but will not have the right to vote till his membership is duly notified by the Organisation.
All Associate Members and Honorary Members shall be entitled to participate in scientific and social activities of the Organisation. They shall not be entitled to attend or vote at a General Body meeting or hold any office.
1. Membership of the Organisation will cease:
By voluntary resignation.
If any member has not paid subscription for two years after it has become due and has been notified by registered letter with acknowledgement due.
2. Before any disciplinary action is taken against any member for any professional misconduct, the member will be served with a notice in writing to appear before the next meeting of the managing committee and will be given an opportunity to explain. The managing committee shall with two third majority delete the name of the member from the membership for the professional misconduct and this decision shall become final on confirmation by the General Body at the next meeting.
3. All the privileges of the members as given in article VII (i) will be automatically suspended if the subscription remains unpaid for one year.
4. Membership shall cease if any member’s registration is cancelled by Medical Council of India.
5. Membership can be continued on payment of all dues as prescribed in the bye-laws or re-admission as a new member as prescribed in the bye-laws.
Regular members shall constitute the general body of the Organisation.
It shall govern the affairs of the Organisation through its elected office-bearer & committee
It shall hold a General Body meeting during conference ordinarily to be held once a year.
Quorum-Minimum of one third of the total number of members shall form the Quorum.
Adjourned Meeting: In case the quorum is not present at the start of the meeting or during the meeting of the ordinary General Body Meeting, the meeting shall adjourn for 30 minutes and shall meet on the same day at the same venue.
The adjourned meeting will not require any Quorum.
A special general body meeting can be called by any of the following for a special purpose:
The President
On a requisition signed by at least 2/3rd member of the Managing Committee.
On a requisition signed by at least 75 members of the Organisation.
Quorum –10% of the total members must be present for the Special general Body Meeting.
The following shall be statutory committees elected by the Group
A. Managing Committee.
B. Office bearer’s Sub-committee.
C. Scientific committee.
D. Editorial Committee -Newsletters.
E. Editorial Committee –Proceedings.
F. Academic & Research Committee.(ARC)
G. Award Committee
H. Finance Committee
The affairs of the Society shall be managed by the managing committee elected by the general body.
1. Composition:
It shall consist of:
a) Office-bearers of the society:
President Elect
Vice President
General Secretary
Joint Secretary (2)
Joint Treasurer
Editor of the News Letter
Joint Editor of News Letter
Editor, Proceedings
Joint Editor of Proceedings
Chairman, Scientific Committee
Chairman , Finance Committee
Chairman, Academic & Research Committee
Chairman , Award Committee
Councillors : One from each state of India (26)
b) Conveners of the last and the next annual National Symposium meet (Conference) & the Organizing Secretaries of the last and the next annual meet (Conference) will be co-opted members of the Managing Committee.
c) Ex Officio Members.
All past Presidents
Immediate past General Secretary
d) Special Invitees (without voting rights).
Three from Nepal, Two from Bangladesh, One from Sri Lanka
Those invited by President / Honorary Secretary
2. Functions
a) Managing committee shall act on behalf the general body for running the affairs of the last and the next annual National Symposium Organisation under its constitution & bye-laws.
b) It shall review the recommendations of the various statutory committees.
c) It shall carry out the policies and mandate of the last and the next annual National Symposium Organisation and shall be responsible for it.
d) It shall have power to invest and deal with money of the Organisation and borrow such sums of money as it may resolve for the benefit of the Organisation.
e) Such money and properties of the Organisation as are not utilized for the object of the Organisation may be invested in such manner in such banks and in such way as the managing committee may at the discretion, think proper & the managing committee may change the investment in order to better fulfill the objects of the Organisation.
f) The managing committee shall have the power to purchase, construct or acquire on lease or in exchange or on hire, by gift or otherwise any real or personal property and rights or privilege necessary or convenient for the purpose of the Organisation and to improve, develop, manage, sell, mortgage, dispose of, turn to account or otherwise deal with all or any part of the property of the Organisation.
g) The managing committee may constitute as many sub-committee as it deems fit for furtherance of the objects of the Organisation. These Committees may lay down their own procedures of working.
h) Decision and recommendations of the managing committee shall be subject to approval of the general body.
3. Meetings
a) The members of the managing committee shall meet as often as required and at least once during the annual conference. Five members or 1/4th of the total number of members whichever is less shall form a quorum
b) The Hon. General Secretary shall circulate the agenda for the meeting at least a month before the date of meeting.
c) The President shall preside at the meeting of the managing committee. In his absence, the President – Elect shall officiate for him and in the absence of the President and President-elect, the Vice-President will preside. In the absence of the President, the President-elect and the Vice-President, the meeting may elect its own chairman, and for the purpose of the meeting he shall exercise all the powers of the President.
d) The President or Chairman, in the event of a tie, will have a casting vote.
e) The voting may be by show of hands, or by ballot whichever is considered desirable by the President.
f) Whenever it is found inconvenient to call a meeting of the Managing Committee and wherever the Gen. Secretary in consultation with the President deems it desirable that the opinion of the Managing committee /Office Bearers Sub Committee be obtained, he shall do so by Registered Post.
A) Composition:
President Elect
Chairman, Scientific Committee
Chairman, Award Committee
Chairman, Finance Committee
Immediate Past President
The President may invite any other person/persons as Special invitee/s but such persons will have no voting rights.
B) Functions:
Conduct affairs of the society and meet as often as necessary.
1. Composition
The scientific committee shall be elected once in 3 years and shall consist of:
i) A Chairman
ii) Three members
iii) Ex-officio members (entitled to vote.)
a. The President, the President-Elect & Vice president
b. General Secretary
c. Editor of the News Letter
d. Chairman of Academic & Research committee.
e. Chairman, Award Committee
2. Functions
a) It shall assist the society in formulating the scientific programme.
b) It shall recommend the names for the award of various medals, prizes, orations, & guest speaker.
c) It will recommend the subject and name of the convener for the annual symposium to be considered by the managing committee & the general body.
d) It will under take other similar tasks assigned to it by the Group from time to time.
e) The chairman of the scientific committee will also act as its convener.
1. The society shall publish a News Letter called “INACO News”.
2. The editor shall be elected once in three years and shall constitute an Editorial Committee which shall comprise of :
a) Editor
b) Joint Editor
c) Six other members
d) Three ex-officio members
i) Chairman of the Scientific Committee
ii) Secretary, Managing Committee
iii) Treasurer, Managing Committee
The managing editor and six other members shall be nominated by the editor in consultation with the office bearer’s sub committee.
All the news related to the organization as well as the global community eye health communications and advertisement shall be published in the News letter in electronic version (and in printed version if there is sufficient fund) at every couple of months.
The editorial committee shall have the power to edit, summarize the papers and raise fund in the interest of good publication.
1. The Group shall publish Proceedings during the Annual Conference.
2. There shall be an editorial committee consisting of:
Joint Editor
Two other members
Eight ex-officio members
Editor of the News Letter
Chairman Scientific Sub Committee
Chairman, ASR Committee
General Secretary
Chairman, Finance Sub Committee
Organising Secretary of the concerned annual conference (Ex-officio)
Two other members shall be nominated by the editor in consultation with the Office bearers sub committee.
3. The entire scientific papers presented at the annual conference and the CME held during the immediate past year shall be published in the proceedings.
4. The editorial committee shall have the power to edit, summarize the papers and raise fund in the interest of good publication.
1. The committee shall consist of :
Representation from the five zones.
General Secretary.
Chairman-Scientific Committee.
Chairman, Finance Committee
2. It shall review, uphold, maintain and further up academic standards and research as well as look after the special fund.
3. It shall formulate and implement policies on continuing medical education in ophthalmic sciences.
4. Funds for function of this committee will be derived from A.S.R. fund, the special fund to be established by the Organisation for this purpose
5. The committee shall institute visiting scientists fellowships, travel training fellowship etc.
The society shall elect the following office bearers:
The Vice President shall be elected by the General body at the conference. He will hold the office up to the next conference and then become President – Elect for the following year.
The Secretary, Treasurer, other office bearers, Chairman and members of the different committee will elected at a General body meeting for the next 3 years or at end of the third annual conference which ever is longer, at the end of which period they will be eligible for re-election.
The election will be by secret ballot as per condition and procedures laid down in bye-laws.
The President –Elect of the previous year will become President after the installation at the following meeting and will continue till the next annual meeting.
The following succession procedure shall be effective:
i) The President will be succeeded by President-Elect.
ii) President Elect will be succeeded by Vice President.
iii) Hon. Gen. Secretary will be succeeded by Hon. Joint Sect.
iv) Other office bearer, chairmen of the committee and the members shall be nominated by President.
6. Office bearers and committee members shall cease to hold office:
When the period of their tenure is over.
If by resolution majority of the General Body member decides that certain office bearer or bearers be removed from the office.
The President will act on behalf of the group and will represent the group during his tenure. The President shall regulate the proceedings of the group and the managing committee. The President shall uphold the rules and regulations framed the constitution.
In absence of the President the President Elect will officiate for him.
1. The Hon. Gen. Secretary shall manage all correspondence and shall keep the minute of the Group and committee meeting which will be read and confirmed at the following meeting respectively. He shall have charge of office papers and registers and shall be responsible for carrying out resolutions.
2. All documents, convention, contracts shall be made jointly by him, President and Hon. Treasurer.
3. All properties and document of the group shall be under his custody.
4. He may incur expenditure in unforeseen circumstances and not provided in budget up to Rs.15000 and another Rs.20000 with the written permission of the president.
1. The Hon. Treasurer shall receive money due to the group and shall make payments in accordance with the rules and regulations framed by the managing committee and shall maintain accurate accounts of all such transactions and every such receipt given shall be signed by him. He will prepare statement of financial position of the Group jointly with the Hon. General Secretary which will be audited by certified auditors and present the same in the annual general meeting.
2. He will prepare the annual budget of the Group in consultation with office bearers’ sub-committee and place it before the managing committee for approval. The budget as approved by the managing committee shall be placed before the general body for adoption.
3. The accounts shall be operated by –
A. Hon. General Secretary or Hon. Joint secretary &
B. By Hon. Treasurer or by Hon. Joint treasurer.
4. He shall maintain a list of current of current members and their addresses.
The Finances of the group shall be kept under:
A) General Accounts
B) Trust / Award accounts
C) Newsletter accounts
D) Proceedings accounts
E) Special Fixed Deposits for Life Membership / other donations / excess of fund from any conference
A. General Accounts: - It will include establishment accounts, subscription accounts, Life membership account, award account & scientific committee account. All these accounts shall be maintained by the Treasurer under separate heads. The general accounts will include al receipts and expenditure by way of:
Workshop fees
Donation (other than newsletters , proceedings & souvenir)
The accounts may also include any surplus or deficit generated from the annual Meeting, conferences, symposiums, etc. hosted by group.
Sale of any property of the Group.
Payments made towards holding of annual meetings, conference, workshops, instruction course, community eye health work, printing, stationery & postage, etc., for efficient working of the office.
i) Reserve fund
1. All life membership subscriptions shall go to the reserve fund. Only the interest from this will be transferred to general fund.
2. Any other income or unconditional donations may be added to this fund at the discretion of the managing committee with the approval of the general body.
3. The principal amount of the reserve fund is meant for specific purpose of construction of building for the Headquarters of the Organisation
ii) Trust Accounts The trust account will be in connection with such donations as may be received from time to time deposited with the Group as trustees for the encouragement and improvement of the standard of community ophthalmological sciences in India and any other specific purpose.
iii) Newsletter Accounts shall be mantained by the chairman of the editorial committee of the newsletter.
iv) Proceedings Accounts Shall be maintained by the Editor of the Proceedings.
v) Special Fixed Deposits for the Life Membership / Other Donations / Excess of fund from any Conference.
No person or persons in whom for the time being any funds or money or any property movable or immovable of the Organisation may be vested shall be answerable for any loss arising in the administration of the said fund or sums of money or for any damage to or deterioration to the said property unless such loss, damage shall happen by or through his or their willful default or neglect as determined by the managing committee or its sub-committee.
The person in charge of the various accounts shall prepare and submit the audited statement of income and expenditure accounts.
They shall submit the balance sheet and the draft budget to the managing committee.
1. The Organisation shall organize CME (Continuing Medical Education Programme), annual meet, conferences, at least once and a year.
2. It may host International Meet in place of the annual meet separately or in conjunction with its meet.
3. The venue of the conference will be recommended by the managing committee and the general body. In unforeseen circumstances, the President will take a discussion in consultation with the office bearers sub committee.
4. Two month before the month of the conference, a preliminary notice will be sent to every member by the Hon. General Secretary.
5. The meet shall be organized by a committee jointly constituted by the office bearers sub committee and three members from local organizing committee and shall abide by the constitution.
6. The conference will comprise of:
i. A National Symposium on the subjects decided by the general body one year in advance.
ii. Oration by members and awards recommended by the Award committee and by the managing committee and approved by the general body
iii. A number of communications consisting of Organization discussion, scientific papers, case report, demonstration, films, exhibitions etc.
7. The audited statements of the accounts of the conference shall be submitted to the treasurer of theOrganisation for its presentation to the Organisation.
The Organisation under its constitution shall frame bye laws for smooth functioning of the affairs of the Organisation.
1. The managing committee may recommend any amendment, addition alteration or deletion of the constitution, provided they give at least 30 days clear notice with the details of the proposed amendments to the members of the Organisation before the general body meeting.
2. Any member may propose an amendment, addition, alteration or deletion to the constitution giving a minimum of 60 days clear notice before the general body meeting.
3. Quorum for the amendment of constitution shall be the same as that for the specific general body meeting.
4. Any amendment, additions, alteration deletion of the constitution shall be made if approved by 2/3 rd. majority of the members present at the special general body meeting.
A. President
1) Must have been a member of good standing for a minimum of 3 years.
2) Must have held an organizational position either as an office bearer or a member of the managing committee for a minimum of one term and attend at least two such meetings.
3) Should have actively participated in the scientific / organizational activities of the society.
B. President Elect
1) Must have been a member of good standing for a minimum of 3 years.
2) Must have held an organizational position either as an office bearer or a member of the managing committee for a minimum of one term and attend at least two such meetings.
3) Should have actively participated in the scientific / organizational activities of the society.
C. Vice-president
1) Must have been a member of good standing for a minimum of 3 years.
2) Must have held an organizational position either as an office bearer or a member of the managing committee for a minimum of one term and attend at least two such meetings.
3) Should have actively participated in the scientific / organizational activities of the society.
D. General Secretary & Treasurer
The General Secretary and Treasurer should be from the same district / nearest locality
1) Must have been a member of good standing for a minimum of 5 years.
2) Must have been a member of the managing committee for at least one term and attended at least 2 meetings of the managing committee.
3) Should have actively participated in the scientific / organizational activities of the society.
E. The Other Office Bearers and members of the managing committee
1) Must have been a member of good standing for a minimum of 5 years.
2) Must have been a member of the managing committee for at least one term and attended at least two meetings of the managing committee.
3) Should have actively participated in the scientific / organizational activities of the society.
All members of the managing committee representing all office bearers are eligible for re-election to the same office as many as times as they desire. President, President-elect, Vice president is not eligible for re-election for the same post.
The Chairman of various committees can co - opt not more than two past Presidents in consultation with Office –bearers sub committee.
A) General Secretary shall invite nominations for the post for election six months before the conference date along with preliminary notice of the conference. The proposal must be received on or before a date specified by him.
B) General Secretary should keep everything ready so that elections can be completed expeditiously.
C) Only regular annual members and regular life members will be allowed to vote. Treasurer will therefore keep ready an up to date list of such members during election time.
D) President will constitute an election commission constituting of 3 members from amongst the Past presidents with one of them as chief election officer who will also be the returning officer. An aggrieved candidate may represent to the election commission. The representation will be considered by the full commission and the decision of the full commission shall be final and irrevocable.
E) In case of a tie, the casting vote of the President of the meeting will decide the result.
The nomination paper of the office bearer shall be accompanied by a Biodata on a prescribed format.
Commercial Exhibition: will be organized by the Organisation. The rates for the stall will be decided by the Managing Committee and the General body.
1. Award shall be made by nominations to any personality with a remarkable contribution to the understanding of Community Ophthalmology in Indian Perspective.
2. Any member of the Organisation who is eligible for the award shall be entitled to be considered for the same. If he is the member of any committee discussing the selection of award, he will withdraw from the discussion at that time.
3. All awards shall be once in four years / two years/ annually as provided in the Bye-Laws.
4. A member may not receive more than two awards in his life time.
5. No award shall be given to the same person twice.
6. Recipients of the awards shall be selected and recommended by the scientific committee. The opinion of a referee may be sought, if considered necessary by the Committee.
7. All awards will be named uniformly.
8. Awards will carry a citation and a medal.
9. A sum of Thirty thousand only has to be deposited as fixed deposit for institution of an Award.
10. The following Awards will be in vogue
(1) Padmashree Dr. J.S. Mahashabde Memorial Award (IINACO Oration)
(2) Dr. J. C. Khanra & Smt. Sarala Devi Memorial INACO Award
(3) Smt Puspa Rani Pattanayek Memorial INACO Award
(4) Dr. Kalidas Bhattacharya Memorial INACO Award.
11. The following Awards will be continued if the donors provide necessary funds for instituting fixed deposits.
(1) Dr. Aroop Midya Memorial INACO Award
(2) Dr. A K Das Endowment INACO Award
(3) Mehra INACO Award
(4) Dr. Sushila Biswal Memorial INACO Award.