Association of Community Ophthalmologists of India


Organising CME, Survey, Conference and Training Programme.
ACOIN Bihar State Chapter
Managing Committee
Hony.Life President : Prof Raj Vardhan Azad
Executive President : Prof ASB Sahay
Working President: Dr. Sunil Singh
Vice Presidents :
1. Dr. Subhas Prasad
2 Dr. Sudhir Kumar
Hony. Gen Secretary : Dr. Nagendra Prasad
1.Dr.Nilesh Mohan
2.Dr.Ravi Ranjan
hairman Scientific Committee
Dr .Shalabh Sinha
Chairman News Letter : Dr Ranjana
Dr Varsha Singh
Dr Puja Sinha
Dr. Anita Ambasta
Executive Members
1 Dr. Babu Saheb Jha
2.Dr.Sony Sinha
3.Dr.Ranjit sinha
4.Dr.J G Aggarwal
5.Dr Ajai Sinha
6.Dr.Vishal Kishor
7.Dr Abhishek Anand
8.Dr Satyajit Sinha
9.Dr Abhishek Kumar
10.Dr.Reena Bhagat.
11 Dr Priyanka
Dear Members,
You are cordially invited to attend ACOIN installation ceremony and CME organised jointly by IMA , AIOS and VRSB diabetic retinopathy at Hotel Gargee Grand at 6 Pm on 24t June.You are also requested to attend Diabetic Walk on 25 June at New Patna club by 7.30 Am followed by diabetic detection camp & diabetic retinopathy screening camp. Your presence will be highly solicited.
Dr Sunil Kr Singh
Working President , ACOIN
BIHAR State Chapter
Dr Nagendra Prasad
Honorary General Secretary, ACOIN Bihar State Chapter
Sat 24 June
2.00pm - 4.00 pm
Camp & visit of 2 Blind Schools.
6 .00 PM onwards Hotel Gargi Grand.
6 pm - 7 pm :
Installation of ACOIN Bihar chapter
7 pm - 9 pm
C M E followed by Gala Musical Dinner ( melodious old songs by Dr NSD Raju).
Sun 25 June.
8 .00AM.
Prevention of
diabetic blindness Walk. from New Patna Club to IT Ground. about &
back followed by
Diabetic Retinopathy Screening & Awareness Camp
10 AM to 1 PM
Venue - New Patna Club
National Coordinator Speaks
