Association of Community Ophthalmologists of India


Organising CME, Survey, Conference and Training Programme.
Programme of The Annual Meeting of ACOIN Odisha State Chapter.
Dr BNR Subudhi
Organizing Secretary
Dr Sudharma Patro
Venue: Hotel Durga, Anugul, Odisha
Date:19th May 2019 (Sunday), Time: 08.00 AM – 04:00 PM
8.00am- 9.00am- Registration
9:00am- 10:00am-Scientific session 1-Young ACOINIANs of Odisha Session: Interesting Case Presentation, Competitive Session (05 minutes each)
10.00am- 11.00am -Scientific Session 2- Free paper
11.00am- 12.00 noon- Scientific Session 3 - Memorial Oration - Guest Lectures Session
12.00noon- 12.30pm -Scientific Session 4- Panel Discussion on “Community Eye Health Care Services in Odisha
12.30pm- 01.00pm - Celebration of Second Year Anniversary Inauguration with Felicitation of Ten ACOINIANs of Odisha from Ten remote districts of Odisha
01.00pm- 02:00pm- Lunch
02.00 pm- 04:00pm-Scientific session - Diabetic Retinopathy
(9) 04.05 pm-Valedictory