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Association of Community Ophthalmologists of India


Organising CME, Survey, Conference and Training Programme.
A Grand Success
Community Ophthalmology Update 2015

6th National CME of ACOIN (2014-15) at Kolkata
Jointly Organised by:
ACOIN (Association of Community Ophthalmologists of India)
IROPA (Indian Railway Ophthalmic Physician Association)
Dr. B. C. Roy Institute of Eastern Railway, Kaiser Street, Kolkata-700014
Saturday & Sunday 1st and 2nd August 2015
Congratulations Organising Secretaries:
Dr. Sudipta Dey
Dr. Debjani Mukhopadhyay

Reputed Faculties Participated


1st Prize: Dr. Silla Sitaram: Rs. 5,000/- & Gold trophy
2nd Prize: Dr. Biswajit Boral: Rs. 3,000/- & Silver trophy
3rd Prize: Dr. Malsawmtluanga: Rs. 2,000/- & Bronze Trophy
Appreciation Prizes: Rs. 1,000/- and Certificate
Dr. Radhakanta
Dr. Dharmembra
Dr. Niranjan Jena
Dr. Samabesh Swain
Dr. Krishnakanta Roy
Rapid Fire Session for the Post Graduate Trainees:
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